Thursday, September 25, 2014

After the Dark

This film has an intriguing premise - can you use logic to decide who lives and dies in an apocalypse? What if you were a class of 21 with 1 teacher and only had 10 places in a bunker. How would you determine who lives and who dies? It's an ambitious theme, and the beauty of the Indonesian setting paired with gorgeous direction certainly makes the film luscious to watch. The first hour is wonderful... and then the troubled third act begins. I don't know what I think about the last third of this film yet, particularly the last ten minutes. I think I'll debate this for a while in my head before I determine if this film succeeds of fails by the end. And the fact that I will think about it and remember it for some time, well, I guess that speaks for itself, doesn't it? For now this is a three, but I reserve the right to change my mind later. 3/5

After the Dark on Netflix

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