Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Enter the Void

Let me be clear at the start - I am a fan of Gaspar Noe. I loved "I Stand Alone" and found it groundbreaking. I adored "Irreversible" and think it was a game-changer for modern cinema. And yes, I felt ill during parts of "Irreversible" but understood that to be a function of the film. The content is so disturbing that it's only right that you should feel physically ill while watching it, and so I appreciated the camerawork in it, knowing it's purpose. But here, in "Enter the Void", the cinematography is so motion-sickness inducing with the lurching camera and the near constant strobing that I found it impossible to finish. I made it - just barely mind you - to about the 90 minute mark before I had to give up. And what's worse is that, editing aside, because boy does it need some, I was captivated by it. I really wanted to see where it went, which is the only reason I didn't turn it off a half hour in. I've waited a long time to watch this film and I'm sad that I will never finish it. Such a shame. 2/5

Enter the Void on Netflix

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