Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Neon Demon

I never thought I'd say this, but I've finally seen a Nicolas Winding Refn film I didn't like. I'm shocked, I've been so in tune with his style and his narrative that I've loved everything he's done, but this? Not this. It's beautiful, but of course it's beautiful. Refn has an eye that no one else in cinema has, so "The Neon Demon" has all the style in the world. But there is no substance here at all. There's barely a plot, the acting is stilted, and the story banal. So many things were inserted just for shock value alone, such as the necrophilia sequence, and for me it just detracted from what could have been a probative look into what constitutes beauty. I know he was trying to push the envelope with this film, but he could have done so without sacrificing the plot. So, for me, not good, and I'm super disappointed to say that. 2/5

The Neon Demon on Netflix

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