Wednesday, June 15, 2016

45 Years

When reading the reviews of this film on Netflix, one can tell almost immediately who has been in a relationship for a very long time and who hasn't. My husband and I have been together for over twenty years, and I recognize the give-and-take of a long term commitment in this fine film. It is a feat of nuance, subtlety, and grace, and it is a beautiful thing to watch. I was reminded of "Amour" more than once, and that is high praise from me. But Charlotte Rampling, she was the absolute star of this. She delivered such a performance that I honestly have no words. It was a feat of tremendous restraint, of deep nuance, of a thousand emotions washing over her in subtle waves. The final ten minutes of this film contained some of the best acting I've seen from an actress in years. She well deserved her nomination, and I wonder why the film itself didn't get a Best Picture nod, as it well deserved it. I will likely wonder that for a long time. This is a beautiful film, I urge you to watch it and allow it to take you where it will. 5/5

45 Years on Netflix

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