Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Marine 4: Moving Target

Oh wow, what a disappointment this was! This script was absolute garbage - monkeys banging on keyboards could have written something better. There are no characters, there is not plot, and the direction is lousy. No one in this movie could act, but given that no one even had much dialogue, it mostly didn't matter. I felt terrible for The Miz, who worked so hard in "Marine 3", because all his character work was gone here. However, his excellent gun and fight work helped make this somewhat palatable, which is why it gets half a star. I was so sad for Summer Rae, as she had virtually no lines and nothing to do except run awkwardly with a large gun. She had a really cool fight scene with The Miz, but it was over in about twenty seconds. Such a waste! I sure hope "Marine 5" is better than this! 1.5/5

The Marine 4: Moving Target on Netflix

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