Thursday, January 28, 2016

Time Out of Mind

I am so profoundly moved by this movie that I barely have words. I've been crying on and off for the better part of a half hour now, and I'm still shaken to the core by this film. Before I say anything else, let me say this - Richard Gere deserved an Oscar nomination for this. This was the performance of a lifetime, done with incredibly subtlety and with precious few words. The range of emotions he was able to profess with virtually no dialogue was simply astounding - there are no words for it. The director captured the bleak landscape of the homeless in a darkly poetic fashion. We saw Gere's character as the world would - through a dirty pane of glass, from across a crowded street, over a sea of shoulders. It was tragic and dark and yet gorgeously beautiful. At ninety minutes in, Gere shows why he was one of very few people that could have played this role, by displaying a talent rarer still than his tremendous acting was. I won't say more for fear of spoiling the moment, as I hope anyone reading this review will rent this movie with haste. Please do - it is magical. 5/5

Time Out of Mind on Netflix

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