Monday, January 23, 2017


So I have very mixed opinions about this film, the newest horror flick written and directed by Rob Zombie. On the bad side, the script is really pretty shit. It's weak with no real sense to it, and I've seen similar stories done much better. But, the direction is SO SO SO GOOD. It's breathtakingly good, and just spot on what good horror should look and feel like. It's so good that I stopped caring about the story altogether and just became immersed it in. On the bad side, the acting is also real shit. There's nothing good about most anyone in the film... except for Richard Brake as Doom-Head. This guy is so good, so compelling, so utterly mesmerizing that I forgive all the other acting in the film because the short time he's on screen is so damn good nothing else mattered. In the end, the direction and Brake pushed this film from a 3 to a 3.5, and if you're into weird horror I would recommend it. 3.5/5

31 on Netflix

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