Saturday, January 7, 2017


This was a good movie that could have been a great one. Hanks' Sully was acted to perfection, and Eastwood's direction, particularly in the action sequences, was very good. However, I think one Netflix reviewer put it perfectly when they said it felt like the plot was continually circling itself in a holding pattern. That's very accurate - it feels like the story is going nowhere for most of the film. We see a couple of flashbacks to Sully's youth, but we learn nothing. We see the crash a few ways, and the same sets of reactions from the same sets of people over and over again. The repetition got to me, and the lack of forward motion in the plot felt stagnant. I really felt the film should have been longer, taken more time to explore Sully's character, and to get a sense of how he managed to be so calm in the face of such peril. In my mind I keep comparing this film to "Flight" with Denzel Washington. I will remember "Flight" for the rest of my life, but I think I won't remember much about "Sully" six months from now, which is sad to me. 3.5/5

Sully on Netflix

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