Sunday, July 17, 2016

I Saw the Light

So, here's the thing. I don't know anything at all about Hank Williams, so I was looking forward to seeing this film so I might learn. But I've just finished it, and I'm sorry to say I still don't know anything about Hank Williams. He seemed to be a mess of a man, but there's no indication why, or what happened, or how he moved from point A to point B in his life. There's no character development at all, so, if, like me, you know nothing about Hank Williams, you'll be left scratching your head after this. I also felt that Olsen and Hiddleston's accents were a bit unbelievable, which didn't help me in immersing myself in this film. This just didn't work for me. 2.5/5

I Saw the Light on Netflix

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